Group 139

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Oct 18, 2018 12:45:40 PM

Keep Sales Rising As The Temperature Starts to Drop

As the temperatures outside steadily drops and the sun sets earlier in the evening sky it's a sure sign that winter is creeping up on us. Humans are not alone in suffering from the harsh effects of winter; our four-legged friends are also feeling the effects. Make sure your furry friends are safe and warm this winter. From apparel all the way to diet you can find ways to help your customers' pets survive the winter and make your store thrive.

Sep 26, 2018 12:53:00 PM

Forget What You Know, Flea Season happens Every Season

Summer is officially over, but that doesn’t mean flea season has ended. There is a common misconception that fleas and ticks are exclusively a seasonal concern; they come out in the warmer weather and die off in the colder seasons. We look forward to that first drop in temperature that signals the pests are heading south for the fall/winter months, but are they? Many aren't aware that the dropping temperatures can make the perfect environment for the flea population to surge.

Sep 21, 2018 9:03:08 AM

Consider Some Things When Getting Into The CBD Game

It's official, CBD products are here to stay. Google the term “CBD”, and you’ll find that it’s projected to be a $2.1 Billion industry by 2020, an astronomical jump compared to last year's CBD market of around $202 million. When it comes to CBD brands and their products, it can feel like you’re swimming in a sea of options. With so many brands coming out with their own CBD line and making claims about their product being the most effective and the best priced on the market it can feel overwhelming to know exactly what to stock your shelves with.

Aug 15, 2018 11:20:26 AM

4 Ways Supplements Help Improve Pet Health & Sales

Let’s face it: despite the high quality food brands you sell at your store, many pets could benefit from supplements. Pets experiencing symptoms like lack of energy, dull coat, upset stomach, bad breath, and even cancer can benefit from the right supplement recommendation. Even better, you have the opportunity for an add-on sale for nearly every customer that walks through your door.

Jul 20, 2017 1:00:03 PM

Benefits of Changing Things Up - Rotational Feeding

Let's be honest, the monotony of the same old, same old kibble routine doesn’t provide enough of a variety to meet a dogs’ nutritional needs. Enter, the rotational diet. Rotational feeding involves varying the menu on a periodic basis so dogs can broaden their palates and experience a wider range of nutrients and ingredients, giving them a full and balanced diet.